Today I've spent a few hours window shopping on the web. Just waiting for pay day so that I can buy more of Kate's doodled digi sets, the spring set from Gina Miller Designs and bits and pieces from ScrapArtist. I also wandered onto Decorate Your Feet and bought a lovely pair of Mary Jane Crocs, hopefully they'll arrive through the post quite early next week.
Tonight I spent ages updating my ipod. When I moved onto my new computer I lost all my tunes that were stored on it and it's taken me a while to get everything back on to it. I have a pretty mixed up selection of music on it from Barry Manilow (Yes, I am a huge fan of his and have seen him live twice!!) to The Kaiser Chiefs and Take That. Today I acquired the soundtrack to Music & Lyrics, Kaiser Cheifs - Yours Truly, Angry Mob and The Fray - How To Save A Life.
Yesterday I talked to my friend Clare and we decided to go away for a few days at Easter and take her daughter to Twycross Zoo in Leicestershire and I managed to book a £15 Travelodge room at Tamworth so that will be something to look forward to. When I lived in Rugby I used to visit the zoo lots as it was only 20 minutes drive and I've been wanting to go for ages but nobody would come with me.
oooooh really, Twycross is an hour or so from us .... hmm wonder if the kids would like another visit!