
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Life is just one big adventure...

I'm speeding through life at the moment from the lowly position of my living room floor - my back is making very slow progress, some days are better than others. I think the combination of acupuncture and a change in pain relief medication is making a difference. Thank goodness for a laptop and WiFi so I can spend my days on the internet and I've discovered you can make cards lying on the floor :lol:
So, my big news from Monday was that I am now a PrimaHybrid flower girl and today I have some of my hybrid creations from Prima to share.

What I'm really loving about the products in the Prima shop is that they are all so different but equally you can mix and match between the kits

I absolutely love these ATCs but I'm going to have to give them up because they are going off for a Valentine ATC swap with some friends (perhaps I'll make some more for me to keep)


  1. Can't begin to tell you how pleased I am for you, you deserve this, your cards and projects are just stunning! Being trying to find a way to comment on the Prima gallery but its not letting me LOL!
    Everything is just stunning! Congratulations xx

  2. Congratulations Andrea! Love the valentines ATC's.

  3. wow gorgeous job dear! love your projects!!! tfs

  4. What fantastic projects. Congrats on the Prima gig! I hope your back starts feeling better.

  5. I hope you feel better soon, a poorly back affects everything you do.Miserable.
