It all started last night when I was blog hopping (as you do at 1:00AM when you really should be in bed!) and I came across this blog called Melly & Me, oh my goodness have you seen what these clever girls can do with a few pieces of fabric and a sewing machine????? I had to stay up even later so that I could take a closer look at all of their creations, and then I discovered that they sell patterns. There is a UK shop selling their patterns and as I type there is a pattern to make these delightful little bunnies hop hop hopping its way to me (with a little bit of help from Karen with the whole paypal thing). So then I decided thast I really needed to drive over to my favourite fabric shoppie Ring-A-Rosie to buy some lovely fabric to make their dresses and dungaroos.

Whilst I was there I saw a little hand knitted ballerina bunny rabbit in the window and so I got the pattern for that too. I can't knit but after finding this blog I am just going to have to learn how to!
I finished my latest set of ATCs, this time purple. I'll try and photograph them tomorrow as I just ran out of time today. After my visit to the fabric shop I went to visit my friend and her gorgeous 3 week old baby son and spent the rest of the afternoon baby worshipping.

I finished my latest set of ATCs, this time purple. I'll try and photograph them tomorrow as I just ran out of time today. After my visit to the fabric shop I went to visit my friend and her gorgeous 3 week old baby son and spent the rest of the afternoon baby worshipping.
Tonight I called in at Borders looking for something to read but nothing jumped off the shelves at me. Perhaps I'll find something at the weekend when I'm out and about.
Tomorrow we're off for an adventure at the Alnwick Garden and we're having a picnic - I love picnic weather!
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