Things are moving along in our household this week. It was my Dad's 60th on Friday and he spent it at the hospital with me, seeing a consultant about my back. I'm now waiting for an MRI scan and things are just plodding along the same - no better but no worse. Mam and I gave him a family gathering at his favourite Italian restaurant on Saturday night, he knew he was going out for a meal but didn't know where he was going or who was going so he had lots of lovely suprises. The biggest suprise of all was that I managed to get through the night, lots of pain relief medication and my tens machine on the whole time we were sitting down meant I was slightly in my own little bubble but at least I was there.
I was really happy last week as I was asked to be on another Creative Team, I'm now working with Jacque Larsen's paper elements and loving it! Also Papercrafts magazine accepted one of my cards for their magazine so I am going to be published and that made me super happy!
These are the cards I made this week with some of Jacque's bits and pieces, I love that they are so suitable for teenage boy and girl cards, especially the boy cards because it's difficult finding suitable resources for those type of cards.

The last card was for my brother who passed his last exams last week and is now a qualified plumber!