Sunday, May 24, 2009

Stuff to share...

Oh it's been such a long time since my last blog post but we've been busy enjoying some sunny days, enjoying time spent playing with Haggis, enjoying seeing some friends, making cards and trying to fit all of that in amongst going to work and the usual housey things.

Haggis has been having as ball playing in our garden. We'd been keeping him on our large patio area and only taking him out in the garden on his lead because we live beside a very busy road and were scared he might squeeze under the fence. But Chris came and blocked up any gaps he could see and Dad did a great job of blocking off the back of the deck so he can't get stuck underneath so he can play freely now :)

His favourite 'game' is to climb up onto the top of the rockery and dig under the bushes so he comes out looking very muddy!

I have had some time to make cards and I really enjoyed making these cupcake cards for my cousin and my great aunt who both had birthdays this week and for the current Caardvarks challenge and then, because they looked so yummy I had to make some real cupcakes too :)


SmilynStef said...

Cupcakes, cupcakes and more cupcakes ... it doesn't get any better than that ... adorable cards and delicous baking.

lauren bergold said...

ooooooooooooooh--i think i am in ♥CUPCAKE HEAVEN♥!!!!!!!!! i cannot decide which to love best: your awesome cupcake cards...or the gorgeous confections?! i guess it will just have to be a tie!!! ♥

Carrie Gaskin said...

So super cute! Great job on these...the real ones look really yummy too....

Lucy Abrams said...

Yep - I love em both too. Would like to do a taste test :)

Emma said...

Wow you've been busy - scrummy cards and cakes. What more can you ask for - oh yes the cutest little dog ever x

~Lori Roop said...

Cute card and cupcakes!! Makes me want to bake some! :)

Randee E said...

So cute! This was a fun challenge and you did a great job! Those cupcakes are just adorable!

Anonymous said...

Your cupcake cards are absolutely adorable! Love the soft sweet colors!

MoniqueAnne said...

Your post is yummy for my eyes and my stomach. What great cupcake cards!

Michelle Giraud said...

Love the yummy looking cupcakes and the fantastic card!