It's just a quick post today as I need to be up early tomorrow as we're going out for the day on an adventure (every day doing a bit more to get my back fixed and me back at work) and it's already 1AM - oh dear!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
6 months ...
It's just a quick post today as I need to be up early tomorrow as we're going out for the day on an adventure (every day doing a bit more to get my back fixed and me back at work) and it's already 1AM - oh dear!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Anyone for cake?

I love cake :) Chocolate cake is my favourite but this is a healthy cake - no calories and no fat!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Dots ...
I'm beginning to think of projects to work on when I head off for a scrapping weekend next weekend. I'm going all of about 2 miles to scrap with some friends for the weekend. I've warned them that I will have to lie on the floor for a bit of the weekend to straighten out my back but I have been doing more sitting down as opposed to lying down and my poorly back is definitely getting better. Thank goodness for that!!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
A few adventures ...

This morning I managed to snap these pictures of a Red Kite. Red Kite's were reintroduced into the valley further along from where we live a few years ago and are now breeding. I spotted this chap last week but he was really high in the sky, just a dot really. This morning I looked out of the window and saw him soaring around above the house over the road. I grabbed my little point and shoot as it was handy and went out in the back garden in my pyjamas. They aren't the best quality photographs and I did then go back indoors to get my big camera and put the zoom lens on. Even though I stood on the lawn in my pyjamas for another 20 minutes he didn't come back. Hopefully we'll see him again soon.

Saturday, June 21, 2008
More challenges...


Friday, June 20, 2008
And somehow it's Friday again ...
Monday, June 16, 2008

Yesterday was Fathers Day and the men folk of our family had organised a boys night out so not to be outdone us girlies decided to have a girls night out and went out to our favourite Indian restaurant for a curry feast. It was rather delicious. I was really happy that not only did I manage to sit through the entire meal without hurting too much I drove there and back too. My poorly back is definitley starting to feel a lot better :)
Friday, June 13, 2008
Has summer gone away?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Isn't it just so sweet - it's made using an element from my friend Kay's newest digital kit, I used the same kit for this card and added a whole load of glitter to the flower.
The LilyPad latest collaboration kit is just so summery I can't help but use it again and again!


Saturday, June 07, 2008
A few bits and bobs...


(Butterfly - Caribbean Sunrise, Kate Hadfield, Flowered paper - Caribbean Sunrise, Rachel Young, Blue paper - Caribbean Sunrise, Gina Miller, Chipboard swirl - Creative Cafe, Alphabet stickers - Making Memories, Glitter, Zig Millenium black pen)

Friday, June 06, 2008
It's Friday!!
Kate had also got some lovely bright poppy doodles released today so I made a card with those too