Goodbye 2008 with your illness and bad health for our family and hello 2009!!
So Christmas has been and gone and so has my birthday and I missed both with a horrible cold and a visit to the local hospital walk in centre for a bad bad chest infection - coughing up red stuff is not a good thing to be doing the day after Christmas
Anyway, it's the start of a new year. I didn't personally see it in as I was fast asleep tucked up in my bed so my New Year's day started at about 11AM this morning. I'm not really a resolution person but I have decided to make more time for crafting just for me, doing things that I want to do and to get back into scrapbooking. With that in mind I am starting the journey known as Project 365 and taking a photograph every day of this year. So I'm on track, keeping up with it all so far :lol: :lol:

Apart from being sick, Christmas did come to our house and Santa Claus left a lovely pile of goodies with my name on. Lots of pyjamas (do people think I live in my jim-jams or something??), chocolate, crafty stuff and a gorgeous new camera to replace my trusty little Canon Ixus that I dropped and damaged - an even smaller, even better Canon Ixus :) It's brilliant and I love it - Thank You Santa!! If I ever manage to get round to downloading the pictures we took with my big camera I might share some Christmas photographs soon.